“At the heart of our client engagement is collaboration, co-creation and proactive agility delivered in a lean and fast way with an entrepreneurial and customer oriented mindset.”
Experienced in focused innovation implementation, Sigoor brings together strategy, technology, and design in an integrated delivery approach with the size and geographic footprint to match. We help clients bridge the gap from an initial exploratory stage of their innovation initiative to a desirable and sustainable cross-functional business model that is customer centric.


Digital Strategy


At our core, we are driven by a commitment to excellence in innovation and a bottom-up approach that empowers businesses on their journey of evolution and transformation. Our unique value proposition lies in our ability to guide you through every step of this transformative process. We don’t just serve as consultants; we become your partners in this journey.
Our partnership with you is characterised by an unwavering dedication to providing an end-to-end solution. This commitment begins with thorough market research, which serves as the foundation of your business transformation. Market research allows us to gain deep insights into your industry, competitors, and target audience. It forms the bedrock upon which we build your business’s new future.
The journey doesn’t stop at research; it extends to defining a complete, forward-thinking business model. In close collaboration with your team, we work to craft a business model that not only adapts to the changing market dynamics but leads the way with innovative strategies and approaches. This business model is designed to be agile and versatile, allowing your organisation to stay ahead of the curve.
Integral to this transformation is the development of a robust digital strategy. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, digital presence is essential for success. We work with you to develop a comprehensive digital strategy that leverages the latest technologies and online channels to drive growth and engage with your audience effectively.
In essence, our approach is holistic, encompassing research, strategy development, and digital integration. Our commitment to innovation ensures that your business doesn’t just survive but thrives in the ever-changing market environment. We are your partners in this transformative journey, with the ultimate goal of helping your business not only adapt but excel in its evolution, delivering sustainable success for the long term.

Technology Innovation


Many speak of Digital Transformation, but we believe that it’s a journey rather than a transformation process with a final end. We define the digital evolution journey as continuous effort to adopt new technologies and keep track with trends to drive business growth, improve cost efficiency, provide next generation customer experience and increase employee capabilities.
Where you already have existing industry expertise and are aware of the areas where innovation could make an impact in your business, Sigoor can step in with the relevant technologies and tools to help you succeed. We can deploy our readily available digital expertise, skills, tools, technologies and resources to support you in the various steps of your ongoing digital journey: From digital product development, over process digitalisation to employee enablement and ecosystem collaboration.

Strategic Consulting


Whether it’s a financing round, market research, idea validation, technology development, business plan or other crucial tasks in your startup journey, let’s discuss and define together how we can support you by becoming an integral part of your organisation – as an invested advisor with skin in the game.